Terms and conditions of sale (CGV)


Unless otherwise agreed in writing, and notwithstanding any provisions to the contrary and any conditions imposed by the Customer, these conditions constitute all the agreements and conventions concluded between our company and its Customer. The submission of an order implies the Customer's unreserved acceptance of both our general conditions and our special conditions, and the Customer's acknowledgement that any conditions of his own do not apply under any circumstances.

1. Order

Our representatives, brokers and other intermediaries have no authority to bind our Company. Orders are not considered final until they have been confirmed in writing by our Company. If the Customer unilaterally cancels an order, our Company shall be entitled either to demand that the order be carried out or to receive compensation equal to 40% of the price of the Products and/or services ordered. When the credit of the purchaser deteriorates, we reserve the right, even after partial execution of a contract, to demand from the purchaser the guarantees that we deem appropriate for the proper execution of the commitments made. Refusal to do so gives us the right to cancel all or part of the contract.

2. Delivery times:

See the dedicated page

3. Risks :

See delivery page

4. Ownership of goods

Our Company retains ownership of the Products sold as long as the price has not been paid in full or the total amount of the bills has not been collected.

5. Payment :

See the dedicated page

6. Returns and complaints

In order to be taken into consideration, complaints must be sent by registered letter within 48 hours of receipt of the goods, or, in the case of hidden defects, from the time they are discovered.

Or, in the case of hidden defects, from the time of their discovery. In any event, no claim will be accepted more than 6 months after the date of delivery of the Products. Furthermore, if our Company so requests, defective Products must first be returned to it so that any non-conformity can be checked. The Customer will take all necessary steps to allow a contradictory inspection to be carried out.

7. Limitation of warranty and liability 

The goods are fully guaranteed within the following limits and conditions:

a) The sole and exclusive rights and remedies covered by this warranty are the repair or replacement of parts or products manufactured or repaired by our Company and which, under normal conditions of use and operation, reveal manufacturing defects within the 6-month period defined in point 6 above. The liability of our Company is limited to the repair, replacement or, at our option, reimbursement of the parts or products recognised as defective, to the exclusion of all damages and interest.

b) Our Company accepts no liability for any direct or indirect damage resulting from the use of the products. By accepting the products, the Client undertakes to hold our Company harmless from any liability of any nature whatsoever and from any damage resulting from the use or misuse of the products by the Client, its employees or third parties. The Client also acknowledges that the Company gives no legal or contractual warranty other than the warranty expressly defined above.

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